Last month, I dove into the importance of Feng Shui  for a kid’s bedroom, sharing how something as simple as bed placement can make a world of difference in your child’s room. Today, we’re taking it up a notch, focusing on two key elements that have a magical way of influencing the space around us – colors and artwork! When designing your child’s room, you’re not just picking out pretty things, you’re creating a place that nurtures them in every way. 

Let’s explore some more Feng Shui tips that will turn your child’s bedroom into a space that radiates good vibes and supports their amazing potential!

Color Power!

Did you know colors have superpowers? They can influence the mood, vibe, and even the energy of a room. Feng Shui teaches us that certain colors can attract the right kind of energy for a restful, balanced bedroom.

Here’s a quick breakdown of some Feng Shui feel-good shades:

  • Light Pastel Greens: Like nature’s hug – soothing and refreshing.
  • Light Pastel Blues: Think peaceful skies and calm seas – these shades promote tranquility.
  • Beiges: Earthy and grounding, it brings a sense of security and stability.
  • Ivory & Off-Whites: Celebrating clarity and calm – providing a clean, fresh slate. 

Before grabbing that paintbrush or picking out bedding, ask your child (if they’re old enough) which of the recommended Feng Shui colors they like. Make them feel good giving them the choices, it’s a great way to involve them in creating a space they love.

While you might be tempted to splash bright colors everywhere, keep things soft and muted for walls. bedsheets and larger furniture pieces. You can still add fun pops of color through small decor items – think pillows or artwork! Avoid loud, chaotic prints on bedsheets (star wars and jumping unique horn prints need to take a back seat!); instead, go for solid light colors that support relaxation.

Artwork: The Magic on the Walls!

Let’s talk art! Artwork is essential in Feng Shui, but here’s where it gets interesting: not all artwork is created equal when it comes to promoting positive energy in a bedroom. The bedroom should feel calm and comforting. You want your kids to drift into dreamland, not stay up thinking about racing cars or running animals!

When picking out artwork, let your kids be involved – this is their space after all, and the more connected they feel to it, the more supported and comfortable they’ll be. Encourage them to choose images that evoke peace and harmony – soft landscapes, nature, or something personal like family photos. Artwork they painted themself is always a good idea and bright colors are totally fine here. If they’re crazy about action-packed pictures (hello, rocket ships!), maybe these can find a home in the playroom or outside on the bedroom door instead, where that high energy belongs.

Remember, balance is everything. Too many pictures or busy patterns can overwhelm the space. Keep it simple, calm, and intentional.

By incorporating these Feng Shui tips, you’ll transform your child’s bedroom into an empowering, peaceful retreat where they can grow, dream, and thrive. It’s all about creating that sweet balance between creativity, restfulness, and positivity!  

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