We are all searching for love. Some of us are hoping to bring love back into our current relationships and others are searching for ways to attract a perfect match. Feng Shui teaches us that our love lives will improve greatly once the relationship with ourselves has been given the TLC it needs to thrive. We must accept ourselves as whole and deserving of love before we can attract love from others. By following these Feng Shui tips and remembering to maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves we can boost romance, attract love and enjoy both abundantly.


  1. Bed placement

Center the bed in your room so that you have enough space on both sides. Having one side of the bed against the wall could push away your chance for finding love.


  1. Headboard

A strong, solid headboard will support good sleep and improve romance. Ideally, you want to have a wooden headboard.


  1. Mattress

A full size or queen mattress is the best size as it is not too big and not too small. If you are single and have a single mattress then there is no space for romance. Alternatively, sleeping on a huge mattress creates too much space.


  1. Bedding

Soft sheets and comforters that make a cozy bedroom are highly recommended and satin sheets are ideal.


  1. Artwork

Artwork placed in your bedroom should be things that represent love or are things you love. Make sure that you remove anything that you do not like to wake up looking at. A photo of you and your partner or anything associated with love is great. Make sure not to have any art representing single people or single figures in the bedroom.


  1. Things in pairs

Everything in your bedroom should be in pairs. Have two matching nightstands, lamps, etc. in your bedroom. Having things in pairs inspires the equality in your relationship.


  1. Photos

Remove all family photos or photos of your kids from your bedroom. The bedroom is a private and intimate place so move those photos into the family room.


  1. Clutter

A cluttered bedroom allows no space for romance. Remove items you don’t love and are not needed, especially things from past relationships. Make sure you don’t have anything stored under the bed. You also want to create equal space for both of you. If you are single, create an empty space in your closet and drawers for your future soulmate.


  1. Electronics

Remove all electronics from your bedroom including TV’s, cell phones, iPads, even alarm clocks. (Battery-operated alarm clocks are best)Electronics in the bedroom do not support romance. It is also recommended to remove exercise machines from your bedroom as these can make your relationship exhausting.


  1. Rose quartz

The crystal, rose quartz, draws love and compassion into your life and promotes healing and peace. Placing rose quartz in your bedroom supports romance. If you are single, you can wear rose quartz to support you and attract love.


These are just some of the ways Feng Shui can be used to boost romance and attract love into your life. Remember to first work on the relationship with yourself so that when you apply these tips you are prepared for abundant love.


Feed the love and go get it!